Sea breeze
you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. - Romans 10: 9
Is this the same jesus/god who killed millions of men women and children and animal's in the bible flood story because they took no note and just lived their lives.
Killed the firstborn in Egypt which would have included babies and children.
Who ordered the genocide of nations so Israel claim the promised land.
Who allowed slavery?
Who allowed Israelite soldiers to abuse and rape captive young girls?
And will soon ride forth on a white horse with his armies and kill men women and children which will include those who have never heard about his forgiveness of sins and his grace because they have been born and raised in the wrong part of the world.
Did you have a look at the topic regarding if there is any evidence that jesus existed etc ,interested to read any evidence you can provide.